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Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp

Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp

utu i ia te wā $26.40
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Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp - Precision and Control for Critical Vascular Surgery

Introduction Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp

26 kei te titiro te tangata i tenei wa

te wātea500 i roto i te kararehe

Nga Hokinga Mai me te Warati

  • ✅ Tiaki Tiamana
  • ✅ Kore utu Whakatikatika me te Whakakoi
  • 🛡️ 5 Tau Warranty
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  • ✅ He utu kore utu i runga ake i te $250


SKU: PS-8332
kāwai: Momo Kaore i mohiotia

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Ka aha mena ka tae tomuri taku kete?

Kei te mohio matou ka taea e te whakaroa te pouri. Ko nga wa whakawhiti he whakatau tata i runga i nga ota tata, ka rereke pea. Mena kua roa to kete, ka mahia e matou nga mea katoa kia tere ai te tuku. Mena he nui te whakaroa, kua ngaro ranei nga kete, ka tukuna ano e matou to ota kaore he utu taapiri ki a koe.

Nga Rauemi Ka Whakamahia e Tatou

I PeakSurgicals, ka aro nui matou ki te kounga me te mahi i roto i nga hua katoa ka tukuna e matou. Ko o maatau taputapu he mea hanga mai i nga rawa moni, e whakarite ana i te mauroa, te tika, me te pono puta noa i te whānuitanga o nga tono rongoa me nga rongoa.

  • Rino Ahino:
    E mohiotia ana mo tona kaha, te aukati ki te waikura, me te roa o te mahi, ko te kowiri tira te mea tuatahi e whakamahia ana i roto i te nuinga o a tatou taputapu rongoa, niho, me te kararehe.
  • Titanium:
    He maamaa me te tino atete ki te pirau, ka whakamahia te titanium ki nga taputapu motuhake e hiahia ana kia tika me te kaha, me te whakanui ake i te mauroa me te mahi.
  • Wao maitai:
    Ka whakamahia te waro waro i roto i nga taputapu kowhiria he mea nui te koi me te tika o nga tapa tapahi, e pai ana mo nga taputapu me pupuri i o raatau koi mo te wa roa.
  • Kirihou Tohu Hauora:
    Mo nga taputapu me nga taputapu kaore i te whakaekehia, ka whakamahia e matou nga kirihou hauora he maamaa, he roa, he haumaru hoki mo te whakamahi i nga taiao haumanu.
  • Silicone me te rapa:
    Ka whakamahia i roto i nga ringaringa, nga kakau, me etahi waahanga, ko te silicone me te rapa he whakamarie, he papa kore-paheke, me te whakamarumaru mo te kaiwhakamahi me te taputapu.
  • Ceramic:
    Mo etahi taputapu niho, ka whakamahia e matou nga karamu kounga teitei e whakarato ana i te maeneene, te tapahi tika, me te pai mo nga tikanga ngawari.

Ka whiriwhiri maatau i nga rawa pai rawa atu hei whakatutuki i nga whakaritenga kaha o nga mara rongoa, niho, kararehe kararehe, me te whakarite kia kaua a maatau taputapu e mahi i nga paerewa teitei engari ka hangaia kia mau tonu.

Tiaki Taonga Haparapara:

  • Horoi:
    I muri i ia whakamahinga, horoia o taputapu ma te whakamahi i te paraihe ngohengohe me te horoi ngawari. A ape i te whakamahi i nga matū kino e kino ai te mata o te taputapu. Horoia rawatia ki te wai ma ka whakamaroke katoa kia kore ai te waikura.
  • Whakatakotoranga:
    Whaia nga aratohu whakamaoritanga me o taputapu. Whakamahia i nga wa katoa nga autoclaves me nga tikanga whakahoromata kua whakaaetia. Me mohio kua maroke nga taputapu i mua i te whakahoki ano ki te rokiroki.
  • rokiroki:
    Whakaorangia nga taputapu ki tetahi waahi maroke, ma. Whakamahia he putea whakamarumaru, he putea whakahoromata ranei kia kore e pa atu ki nga mea poke. Kaua e penapenahia nga taputapu ki nga waahi makuku, makuku ranei.
  • Tirotiro me te tiaki:
    Me tirotiro tonu i o taputapu mo nga kakahu me nga roimata. Whakakoia nga matatahi me nga taputapu whakatikatika ina tika. Mena ka kite koe i etahi take, whakapaa atu ki ta maatau tautoko kaihoko mo nga tohutohu, whakatikatika ranei.
Tirohia ngā taipitopito hua tonu

Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp - Precision and Control for Critical Vascular Surgery

Introduction Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp

te Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp is a vital surgical tool used in surgical procedures involving vascular structures ki te whakahaere i te abdominal Aorta which is one of the biggest blood vessels of the body. The specialized clamp was created to temporarily block the abdominal aorta in pokanga which involve those of the te ngakau a the vascular structures. It plays an essential role in controlling blood flow giving surgeons the ability to carry out delicate operations with precision, and without the chance of bleeding.

In this article, we'll examine the main advantages, features and potential applications for Wylie's Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp and why it is crucial for surgeries which require temporary closure of the Aorta.

What is the Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp?

Ko te Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp Tuhinga o mua rawhi mo te whakamahi vascular specially designed to offer an effective control of the abdominal Aorta. It can be utilized to temporarily block the aorta in open procedures pērā i Whakapaipai Aeuricm a vascular transplantation that allows surgeons to operate on the vessel using the least amount of blood loss. The clamp is designed to give an solid grasp and preserve an integrity and strength of tissues surrounding it.

Key Features of the Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp

1. Precision-Jaw Design for Secure Occlusion

  • The clamp has precise jaws that provide a solid control of the aorta to stop blood flow during the procedure.
  • The design of the device is specially designed to make sure that the vessel is completely blocked without causing damage to the adjacent tissues or causing excessive pressure.

2. Large Size for Abdominal Aorta Access

  • The clamp is generally nui in comparison to other clamps that are specifically designed to accommodate the size and position in the abdominal aorta.
  • The size of this aorta ensures that it is able to securely fit the size of the aorta while also providing an effective method of control.

3. Te Hanga Kowiri tira-Kounga teitei

  • Tuhinga o mua kowiri maitai-maitai maitai maitai Made from high-quality stainless steel, the Wylie Abdominal Aorta clamp is pakari, ātete ka hanga kia mau tonu.
  • This material lets the clamp be easily sterilized for a second usage in surgical procedures.

4. Te Kakau Ergonomic mo te Haahi Takutai

  • Ko tōna handle ergonomics that are part of this clamp have been designed to offer the user with comfort and ease during long procedures.
  • This feature reduces the fatigue of surgeons' hands and allows for precise control during delicate surgical procedures.

Uses of the Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp

Wylie Abdominal Clamp is primarily used in: Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp is mainly used in:

  • Te whakatikatika i te aneurysm aortic the aneurysm. During those procedures, the clamp is used to regulate blood flow to the Aorta, which allows the surgeon to fix or replace damaged parts within the vessels.
  • Vascular procedures The HTML0 code is utilized in numerous procedures such as vascular bypass or pokanga whakawhitinga to temporarily block the blood flow, and also to create an open working area.
  • Heart operations If you are performing pokanga pokai mate coronary as well as other surgeries for example, there is a Wylie Abdominal Aorta clamp is employed to manage the aorta, thereby preventing excessive loss of blood in the course of surgery.

Benefits of Using the Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp

1. Enhanced Control During Surgery

  • The clamp ensures the security and control in the abdominal aorta. It also ensures that the surgeons is able to operate on the vessel while minimizing possibility of bleeding.

2. Kua Whakaitihia te Morearea o te Tukino Tipa

  • The clamp's precise jaw design reduces the risk of injury to the aorta as well as adjacent tissues, making sure that the aorta remains blocked without causing harm to healthy structures.

3. Increased Surgical Efficiency

  • With its strong layout as well as kakau whakamarie surgeons are able to concentrate on their procedure without worrying about the clamp sliding or causing excessive fatigue.

4. Te Roa me te Roangoa

  • Tuhinga o mua kowiri tira Made of stainless steel, the Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp is constructed to last, which guarantees high performance and reliability after multiple sterilization and usage.


te Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp is a crucial tool used for the vascular me te pokanga ngakau and provides surgeons with the accuracy and control needed to perform complicated procedures that involve abdominal Aorta. Me tona precise jaws, haahi ergonomic a hanga kaha the clamp guarantees that surgeons perform their work with confidence being confident that blood flow is well managed. If they are you are performing repair of an aortic aneurysm a vascular transplantation using this Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp can be essential to achieve the best surgical results.


1. What's the purpose behind what is the purpose of Wylie Abdominal Aorta clamp?

  • The Wylie Abdominal Aorta Clamp employed to temporarily block the abdominal aorta in surgical procedures that require vascular access, and provide surgeons with a secure atmosphere for their procedure.

2. What is the purpose of the clamp? the abdominal Aorta?

  • te precise jaws of the clamp provide the pressure controlled onto the aorta of your abdomen. This is effective in slowing blood flow and minimising damage to the surrounding tissues.

3. Could be the Wylie Abdominal Clamp for the Aorta be cleaned?

  • Yes the clamp is constructed out of he kowiri tira teitei e te reira haumaru to be used repeatedly during surgeries.

4. What kinds of surgeries can you perform using Wylie Abdominal Clamp? Wylie Abdominal Clamp?

  • The clamp is commonly employed for the repair of aortic aneurysms, vascular bypass procedures a cardiac procedures which require management of abdominal aorta.

5. Are Wylie's Wylie Abdominal Aorta clamp suitable to all surgeons?

  • Yes this clamp's comfortable hand a solid design makes it ideal for the use of any surgeon who is performing complicated cardiac or vascular procedures.